Who would be the audience for your media product?
We decided to give our movie opening a certification age rating of 15 as we wanted to be able to have more leeway with what topics and scenes we could include. This way it was possible for us to use common thriller attributes in our movie opening.A 15 movie may include:
- Discrimination
- Drugs
- Strong language
- Nudity
- Sex
- Threat
- Violence
Prior to our decision of making our movie opening a 15 we carried out a basic questionnaire to see the age ranges and genders of people who would be more likely to watch a thriller. These were the results.
17 (M)
18 (M)
16 (F)
52 (M)
13 (M)
19 (M)
17 (F)
43 (F)
24 (M)
15 (M)
16 (F)
17 (M)
12 (F)
23 (F)
From these results I concluded mostly male audience would be interest in a movie that comes under the thriller genre. This could be due to the more violent scenes which are stereotypically more preferred by male audiences. Despite this there were a few women
who would watch a thriller so by making the main protagonist a female adds a sense of relatability for them if they don't enjoy the more violent scenes.
who would watch a thriller so by making the main protagonist a female adds a sense of relatability for them if they don't enjoy the more violent scenes.
We decided to make our age bracket 15-21 this isn't saying that people of an older age wouldn't watch our movie as from our result people in there 40's and 50's said they would enjoy watching it. But our age bracket is based on a majority number, we chose to have the minimum age of 15 due to the topics included but also the maturity of the audience, we wanted them to take matters seriously while watching the opening. By focusing on one specific age group it allowed us to tailor our movie and make it relatable and interesting for them.
Also, we felt that this age range would be more likely to go to the cinema and watch the movie therefore bosting box office ticket sales. This is proven in the BFI Statistical Yearbook, in 2015 nearly 30% of people attending the cinema were ages between 15-24.
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