Sunday 6 November 2016

Main Task Overview -

For our main task we have to create the opening sequence to a film, including titles. Our production must last no longer than 2 minutes. 

Our work will be marked out of 100 which will be divided into three categories.

Research and Planning - 20 Marks

For any film to be successful it requires research and planning so that the film can be shot, edited and released by the deadline. 

When researching and planning for our film some of the tasks we will carry out include:
  • Audience Research
  • Film Deconstructions
  • Initial Ideas
  • Film Treatment
  • Location Research
  • Casting Research
  • Costume Research and List
  • Props Research and List
  • Storyboard
  • Shot list
  • Risk Assessment
  • Filming Plan
Construction of Film Titles and Opening - 60 Marks

During this stage we will film our shots and write a reflection on what went well and how we could have improved.

We will then begin to edit our shots together to create the final production. We will get feedback from our focus group to see how we could improve and apply them to our editing. 

Evaluation - 20 Marks

Finally, we will evaluate our final production and reflect on the process identifying the positives but also the negatives and the problems we encountered and how we overcame them.

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