Saturday 3 December 2016

Location Research

Location Research -

For our movie opening we needed a large open field that was surrounded or was near a woodland setting. The Thicket was somewhere that first came to mind but due to the time of day we wanted to film we felt that for our own safety it wasn't the most convenient place to film. After searching at a few more locations, we finally decided to opt for Ockwells Park. This was a safer option as it was nearer to my house and had houses surrounding it, as well as this it had the field we needed and the surrounding forest so we wouldn't need to film in two separate locations. Finally the forest itself isn't too enclosed and is popular for dog walkers so we wouldn't be filming in an area where we would be cut off from people. However due to the locations popularity we would have to go at a time where it wouldn't be as busy. But because of the time of day we want to film if we were to film, Saturday afternoon around 3:00pm it would be likely we would be able to film without interruptions. 

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